Ballerina Netflix Review – Dive into the world of the mad blood chase in Netflix’s new revenge action-thriller ‘Ballerina’ in this Ballerina Netflix Review! If you have ever been bewitched by the fast-paced, unpredictable twists and turns of ‘Gone Girl’, screamed in frustration at Dong-Eun’s predicament in the psychological revenge thriller ‘The Glory’, felt yourself immersed in the life of the three sisters in ‘Little Women’ and cheer for Seo-A Ri battling the world of glitz and glamour in ‘Celebrity’, then this film might just be what you are looking for!
Ballerina Netflix Review – Trailer
Ballerina Netflix Review – Review
Netflix’s new revenge thriller, Ballerina, revolves around Jang Ok-Ju’s, played by Jeong Jong Seo, vow to avenge the death of her friend, Choi Min Hee as she becomes a victim of a sex-trafficking ring. The plot is quite straightforward in terms of a revenge thriller. Min hee and Ok-ju share a deep friendship, almost to the point that the film suggests something more. This relationship becomes the base of Ok-Ju’s revenge saga, quite similar to Hollywood’s John Wick franchise starring Keenu Reeves.
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As is with all thrillers of similar nature, there is little that we know about the characters, and the focus is solely on the current action. All we know about Ok-ju is that she used to be a former elite bodyguard where she tells Min-hee in one of the hallocinatory flashbacks of the film:
“I thought that one day I could die doing this job. I didn’t feel alive. It felt like I was was slowly dying. But the day I ran into you, I realize for the first time, how much fun life could be. I felt like I could finally breathe.”
Clearly, Ok-Ju seems to owe her life to Min-hee and it comes as a shock when Min-hee attempts suicide leading Ok-Ju to the prime antagonist of the film, Choi Pro played by Kim Ji-hoon.
One of the great aspects of the film is definitely the cast. Both Jeong Jong Seo and Kim Ji-hoon have last worked together in Money Heist Korea: Joint Economic Area. Jong-seo does an impeccable job at playing the grieving, no-nonsense Ok-ju whose only aim is to avenge Min-hee. For instance, Ok-ju’s personality, quite amusingly at that, comes to fruition when Ok-ju barges into the drug manufacturing plant of the sex trafficking ring where she shoots the leader, right in the head, mid-sentence, while he is inviting her to sit with him to chat.

On the other hand, Kim Ji-hoon plays the Choi Pro, a narcissistic sexual predator with an inflated ego. It’s quite interesting how he is always able to play twisted criminals so well, whether it is Choi Pro or Baek Hee-sung in Flower of Evil. He is so good that you can’t help but hate his characters, the mark of a successful actor.
The most striking aspect of the film is how the film plays with the idea of colour and space. The entire film is very vibrant and instead of dialogues, it uses colour and spaces to create an atmosphere of suffocation and gloom as is felt by the victims. Complimentary pastel colour palette is used for Ok-ju’s happy memories with Min-hee while contrasting colours of black and neon yellows, greens and reds and more are used to create a chilling, frightening, stifling atmosphere.
The best example would be the red room where Choi Pro takes all his victims to, signifying blood and danger. It is the very room where Ok-ju strikes Choi Pro, leading to the shot of his blood dripping in a very significant symbolism.
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The comic relief sequences in the film are also worth noticing. The film employs black comedy where in a heavily dramatic scene, Okju cuts a deal with the gun dealers only to discover that none of the guns are any good. Followed by the gun dealer granny’s display of how good the flamethrower used to destroy wasps’ nest is! The flamethrower is eventually used by Ok-ju on Choi Pro by the end of the film and we see the culmination of the Ballerina’s justice. Over all, Ballerina is a great watch, displaying great performance by the cast, face-paced and engaging plot with well choreographed action sequences that are an absolute delight for an action-thriller lover! Watch Ballerina on Netflix!
JAL Score
Over all, Ballerina is a great watch, displaying great performance by the cast, face-paced and engaging plot with well choreographed action sequences that are an absolute delight for an action-thriller lover! For this we give Ballerina a 4 out of 5!