It’s 4:30 AM in the morning. Your mother is awake arranging all the things needed to cook. You’re asleep and your family is still asleep, all of you having dreams of your own. Your mother wakes you one by one. She gives you a good oil massage. You have a relaxing bath and she gives you your new dress and you get ready. You come straight from your bath and you’re really very happy to wear your new dress after waiting for days and the moment has finally arrived.
You and your siblings are running around having fun while your mom and dad are getting ready. As you are chilling with your dad and siblings, your mom assembles the pooja things. You get the smell of the yummy, tasty food she prepares. As she’s arranging the food in the pooja room you are asking her a teeny tiny part from the food and the sweets and she says you can have it only after offering it to the god. You whine a little and come back.

Finally, your dad does the pooja and after the pooja, you eat all the sweets you wanted and enjoy yourself with that little dance. You have your breakfast and run to grab the crackers box. You grab them with great joy and run outside of the house. You start to unpack the crackers and start bursting them one by one. Then your father joins you and you happily burst away the crackers. You feel yourself as a hero. You join with your friends and happily show off your new dress. You burst more crackers, and spend the rest of the day happily with your friends. Then you come back home, eat more, watch movies and enjoy the rest of the day.

Beautiful isn’t it? How well you remember all the details so vividly? Those were the happiest time of our lives.

Where is it now? The joy, the happiness, the eagerness everything has reduced so much. Many of us say it’s because we are matured and we are not kids anymore. But what is the meaning of life when you don’t let your inner kid come of you?
We have lost so many traditions that we used to follow once. The traditions we found annoying once are the same traditions that defined us and our culture and the beauty of joyous celebrations. We are losing so much of our identity without even knowing what we are losing. We had a time in our lives and that is what is missing now. All we think about right now is the long weekend holiday that we get. Many of us basically do not want to be disturbed during this long weekend but we do forget that this is the only time we get diwali but we do get long weekends other times too.
Who is to be blamed? Why aren’t the festivals not as grand as they were before? It us, the growing lifestyle, urbanization and workloads. We are so stressed and immersed in our work where we burn out eventually. On times like these when we get a break from our work all we want to do is sleep, do nothing and enjoy the little pressure. We forget that the celebration that we do will definitely be the perfect detox for us. It will definitely make us happy, bring out our inner kid, help our heart dance a little and bring us closer to our family, friends and the memories we remember so vividly. But we have to accept the sad fact that we don’t remember most of the traditions that takes place during the festival.
Let us take make a little promise to ourselves that we will take our tradition and culture a little more seriously and work towards upholding it. Our culture and traditions are one of the important things that are holding us together. Let us embrace all the happiness our own festivals offer us cause if we don’t do it now, it will be too late when we look back with regret.

Team Just A Library wishes you a very happy and prosperous diwali. Have a safe and joyous celebration.
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